Analysis; The Game Title Sequence
From the Title Sequence -
From the Title Sequence -
- countryside
- summer
- 60's-70's
- birthday party
- old fashioned, black and white
- Drama
- Crime
- Identity - father figure
- Dull colours
- Prologue
- Music - classical, slow, represents loneliness from the piano
- Clips - memories
- Slow editing, reminiscent
- Editing - puzzles, relates to the title 'the game' - puzzle he has to fit suggests story line of trying to fix his life, put back the pieces - is it to do with his childhood - creates an enigma for the audience
- Burn out on clips, suggests old camera
- Game - life
- Haunted by his past
- Relationship with dad isn’t good
- Past has made him who is he is current, impacted
- he regrets
something from his childhood
- something dramatic
in his childhood has happened which has had an affect on his life
- loneliness of his
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