Thursday, 8 November 2012


"They have always served a greater purpose than themselves: to move the overarching story forward." – The article speaks the truth. Is says about the title having a greater meaning behind it then just showing the film. no characters are shown and it doesn’t give credit to the people who made the film, but has a 'greater purpose' which gives a story line of the film. I think this hints of aspects, which will be in the film and sometimes slightly portrays the narrative of the film itself. 

"we see the emergence of typography that seeks to match letterforms with the subject matter and even the zeitgeist" & "It could be argued that typography lost importance in this era of title design." - The typography within a title sequence also can show the genre of a film. A film name with the right typography, analysing it can set up the whole theme that would be held in the film. The typography itself does 'match' the narrative and genre of the film; which I think is very important for audiences. 

“As much as possible, they liked to convey the tone of a movie through the “dressage” of its main title”
The quotation shows the films audience, people who wish to see a film will often judge it on their first impressions and that comes under the title name and the way the title presents the film. 

“It could be argued that typography lost importance in this era of title design. The imagery behind the credits received a lot more attention”
The quotation is interesting because a lot of people see a film for its typography, but the imagery is very important in a film as well, this also gives away the genre and an in sight into the film. The imagery also draws the audience to see the film as they wish to find out later in whom that person or what the image is of and how it ties in with the story line and the selected title. 

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