Tuesday, 22 January 2013

22nd January

Today we filmed a shot of Zorak reading a newspaper this is the end shot as when he puts down the newspaper he sees the fantastagirls come together, showing a clear binary opposition. We filmed this shot a couple of times to ensure it was perfect and explored a range of different angles to see which one best fitted in with the sequence. I am pleased with the progress we have made today. Although it was the last shot we still had to focus on the littlest detail.

We also used a green screen to film the close up of Zorak as a child. This is because if we do this with both the Zorak's it will be easier to make a fade between the two. We can also used the same background for both. As a child he is sad so we have a close up of the child being upset after seeing his dad being interviewed and then have it fade into a close up of the older version of him to show him angry and wanting revenge. To do this we experimented with different facial expressions to see exactly how angry he is and what would be best suited.

We also edited more of our film. It is now all coming together we only have a few more shots to shoot before it is finished. We also need to research more into our typography to fit in with our genre,

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